2019 - The Windy one
What an incredible little village Hartland is. It'll take more than a yellow weather warning to stop Hartland partying! Despite the doom and gloom of the weather forecast, the rain held off and carnival was as busy as ever. The wonderful support from everyone has once again provided us with an amazing spectacular of a Carnival. Imagination in abundance. From the huge floats to the single walkers, the bands and dancers and majorettes, the food providers, the shops and pubs, all the dedicated helpers who give so much of their time...and of course the spectators who turned out in numbers to watch and enjoy the evening. Thank you everyone who took part..2019 Hartland Carnival was a blast.
The Fun Figures theme ‘Villains’ results
1st The Snow Queen” Karen Lennox & Nicky Hedges
2nd“ Crazy Chris The Pirate” Hannah & Emily Tape
3rd“Hey Georgie” Nick & Jess
Best Decorated Business Premises Results
1st “Old Dears” The Old Bakery Coffee Shop
2nd “Pop In Around The World” Pop In
3rd “The World of Beatrix Potter” Hartland Post Office