Hartland Carnival

What's on

Get ready for a raucous week of fun, food and friendly rivalry. We have everything from village-wide competitions, nail biting tests of knowledge, the ubiquitous skittles tournament and of course, the renowned procession.


Hartland Carnival isn't just the procession. We have a week of competitions and activities for you to take part in leading up to the main event. So find out what's going on and how you can take part. A full calendar of everything taking place can be found at the base of the page.

2025 Update

A whole week starting

Sunday 3 August to Saturday 9 August of fun-packed entertainment with the grand procession on Saturday 9 August followed by the infamous party in The Square with rides, food-stalls and entertainment

Carnival ROYALTY 2025

Applications are now invited from those with a minimum age of twelve to be this year’s Carnival Royalty. This is your chance to shine. For the whole of Carnival week you will be given VIP status, treated like Royalty (obviously), giving you the opportunity to draw raffles, present prizes, and being allowed to
“jump the queue” at any Carnival event.
You will lead the Grand Procession on Carnival Saturday, and have the chance to enter other Carnivals if you so wish. The committee provides a trailer for the Carnival Procession as well as a donation towards costs. Applications for Carnival Royalty must be received by the closing date of Thursday 15 June The winner will be announced at the TBC on the TBC June.
Forms will be available from the Post Office or can be downloaded here.
(Details will be displayed on posters in the village, online and on Facebook).


The theme for 2025 ‘TBC’.

Saturday 2 August Judging of the Best Decorated Business from 7:00 pm
Sunday 3 Judging of Fun Figures starts with the dog show, the crowning of carnival royalty and Hartland Town band concert
Please keep an eye out in the village for more information.
Forms will be available from the Post Office or can be downloaded here.
(Details will be displayed on posters in the village, online and on Facebook).

Best Decorated Business Premises 2024

Entry forms are available from the Pop-in or Post Office or can be downloaded here. Judging will take place from 7:00 pm on Sat 2 August. Open to all local businesses.



A week of entertainment 2025

We have a fun-packed week of entertainment for visitors and villagers. Remember to register for the Skittles before 9pm Wednesday and to arrive in Hartland for the main-day before 7pm to avoid road closures. There's an overview of events below and a full calendar for you to check at the base of the page.


Sunday 3 August 2025

Festivities commence with the Dog Show at 1:30 pm for a 2:00 pm start, Hartland Primary School. The crowning of Carnival Royalty in the Parish Hall at 6:00 pm followed by a performance by the Hartland Town Band. Judging the ‘Fun Figures’ starts

Monday 4 August 2025

Monday night is quiz night in the Parish Hall . Registration is at 6:30pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry £10 per team of four, don't forget your nibbles and drinks.

Tuesday 5 August 2025

Heinz Varieties, 57. Tuesday is bingo night. Registration at 6:30pm for a 7.30pm start. in the Parish Hall. BYO nibbles and drinks, and be wary of the locals, they're hustlers.

Wednesday 6 August 2025

Kick back for a night of family fun starting at 6:00 pm in the Playing Fields. With refreshments, bar, games, and BBQ there's something for everyone. This is also Blind Darts night 8:00 pm in the Royal British Legion


Thursday 7 August 2025

It wouldn't be a Carnival week without Skittles. Get your best game-face on, pick a mixed-team of six, £12 per team and head to the Parish Hall for 7pm. The bar will also be open and serving drinks for celebration and commiseration.

Friday 8 August 2025

As a gentle recovery from the Skittles and a prelude to Saturday's festivities, grab some popcorn and relax with a film on Friday film club at the Parish Hall.. Matinee £2.00 each 3:30pm, Film night £4.00 each 7:00pm

Saturday 9 August 2025

The main event. The grand procession will circle the village from 7pm followed by the infamous party in The Square with rides, food-stalls and entertainment till midnight. (Floats to assemble from 5:00pm, to 5:45pm) Judging from 6:00pm


On Saturday please park in the Car Parks available at either end of the Village