- When preparing your entry, make sure there are no loose objects to fall or roll off and that it is not too high to interfere with flags or overhead cables, all entries to be no higher than 4.5m (15ft).
- When riding on the float in the procession
Never ride on tow-bar or on tractor cab. Please check tow-bars and tow-pins – safety chains and clips are recommended where possible. Ensure brakes and tyres are adequate. children should be seated if possible, or given hand-holds/rails and adequately supervised especially when stopping and starting. Floats that contain children must have a suitable hand rail barrier fitted around the outside. - Please check your insurance cover is adequate. Special cover should be arranged with your insurance company.
- Make sure the driver can hear or be aware of any emergency on the float.
- All Carnival entrants are requested not to throw water on any objects – Please remember that this is dangerous and that a lot of people have on their best clothes which could be ruined by the throwing of missiles.
- When taking a float to and from the carnival
Secure the float and make sure the driver can see to the front and to the rear. Any vehicles entered should be road legal taxed and tested. If necessary, provide an escort but under no circumstances is the float to be used as a method of transport to or from the Carnival - Excessive consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden (Note: Your insurance cover may not permit any consumption of alcohol, please check these details or you may find you do not have adequate cover)
- All persons on animals or animal-drawn vehicles must, (when mounted), wear helmets of the standard BS EN1384 or PAS 015.
- During the procession all entrants are asked to keep moving at all times unless in an emergency situation, if a static display is required as part of your performance this needs to be done on a moving tableaux. Any entrants found to be holding up the procession will be asked to leave.
- Any entry that utilises a motorised vehicle will be considered as a float/tableaux entry and will need to fill in an insurance form located within the Entry Form, the deadline for online entries is 10pm the day before carnival day!
- Persons and floats are to start assembling at 17:00 until 17:45; if the deadline is missed the entrant/s may not be judged. Walkers are to assemble on Northgate Green, or the Parish Hall if raining. Floats are to see a steward who will give them a entry code to display in a prominent position and direct them to there designated area.
- Please review the carnival Risk Assessment, it is created for your safety