Grand Carnival Procession 2025

Saturday 9 August

Please bring your completed entry form with you on the night. Forms can be downloaded from this site and are also available from Pop In & Post Office, Classes 10-18 – please remember to bring your insurance details with you, otherwise, you will not be able to enter. All paperwork needs to stay with the participants.

Classes 1-10 head to Northgate Green or the Parish Hall if Raining.
Classes 11-16 See stewards outside Royal British Legion/Pavilion for directions and class display card, all entries to park from School lane along North Road and around Northgate Green as directed.

Procession Assembles at 5:00-5.45pm
Judging Begins at 6:00pm
Procession Start at 7:00pm


Entry Instructions

To enter please ensure you fill out all the relevant sections on the Entry Form or your entry may not be valid, classes 11-18 inclusive will need to fill out the Insurance Details Section.

On arrival, you will need to find steward located outside Royal British Legion/Pavilion who will give instructions and direct you to the correct designated area for your class.


Just for fun!

Those of you that want to enter “just for fun” and not be judged, there is also this option on the entry form which we would like you to fill out to ensure compliance with regulations and simply to let us know you’re coming! Please report to a steward on the day if you are happy to carry a collection bucket, many thanks.

the classes

Class 1: Under 5 single or pair
Class 2: Under 12 Single or Pair
Class 3: Under 16 Single or Pair
Class 4: Adult and Child Pair
Class 5: Adult Single
Class 6: Adult Pair
Class 7: Group – Children Only
Class 8: Group – Adults & Children
Class 9: Group – Adults only
1st prize £10.00, 2nd prize £6.00 and 3rd prize £4
Award - Certificate

Class 10: Group – Marching
Prize £30.00
Award - Cunliffe Shield

Class 11: Artistic Tableau
1st prize £50.00, 2nd prize £30.00 and 3rd prize £20.00
Award - Milky Way Cup

Class 12: Children’s Tableau
Class 13: Topical Tableau
Class 14: Comic Tableau
1st prize £50.00, 2nd prize £30.00 and 3rd prize £20.00
Award - Carnival Shield

Class 15: Animal or Horse Drawn Vehicle
1st prize £20.00, 2nd prize £10.00 and 3rd prize £5.00
Award - Penbode Shield

Class 16: Minifloat (Tableau Under 16ft)
1st prize £50.00, 2nd prize £30.00 and 3rd prize £20.00
Award - Redwood Cup

Class 17: Entertainment Tableau
1st prize £50.00, 2nd prize £30.00 and 3rd prize £20.00
Award - Chapple Shield

Class 18: Queen of Queens - Judged by Visiting Royalty
1st prize £20.00, 2nd prize £10.00 and 3rd prize £5.00
Award - Kings Arms Cup

Major Trophies

The Anchor Hartland Carnival Cup, Blue Riband Certificate & £20

Will be presented to the best overall walking entry in Classes 1 – 9

The Comtec 2000 Cup & £10

will be presented to the best Children’s walking entry in Classes 1,2,3 & 7

The Hart Inn Stag Trophy & £10

Will be presented to the most Entertaining Walker in Classes 1-9

The The Alan Hoggins Hartland Carnival Blue Riband Cup, Certificate & £50

will be presented to the most outstanding entry in Classes 11 – 17

The Hartland Amtech Carnival Shield & £25

will be presented to the Best Local Tableau (Hartland Parish) Classes 11-17

The Jamie Johns Memorial Trophy & £20

will be presented to the most Entertaining Float in Classes 11-17

Competitions during the week

Fun Figures

This year’s theme is “Your Favourite Book Character” and entrants are required to create a figure and position on or next to your property. This must be clearly visible to our judges. Entry forms can be downloaded here and are also available from the Pop-in or Post Office. The closing date for entries is TBC pm Saturday TBC August. Judging will take place at any time between Sunday TBC August to TBC August. This competition is open to those living in the Parish of Hartland.
1st prize £20.00, 2nd prize £10.00 and 3rd prize £5.00
Award - Cook Trophy

Best Decorated Business Premises

Entry forms are available from the Pop-in or Post Office. Judging will take place from 7 pm on Saturday TBC August.
1st prize £20.00, 2nd prize £10.00 and 3rd prize £5.00
Award - Handmade trophy


All winners and runners-up will be announced at the Fun Night on Wednesday, 10th August in the Playing Field.